Monday, September 15, 2014

End of First day!!! (of school)

Ok, so today was very interesting!

I biked in to school (con mio fratello, Gabriele [with my brother, Gabriele]) and when we got to the building we looked for an English teacher that is in charge of the foreign exchange students both entering and leaving the school. We didn't find her. So we went to my class. When I got there I met a bunch of people in my class! I forget all their names :'( I have them all on facebook, so I'll use their names when I know them better. My filosofia[philosophy] teacher was really nice, I actually understood a very very little bit of what she was saying. That class lasted from 8:10 (ish) until 10:10, but it passed by quickly.

Next was English class! This class was ridiculously easy xD I do have to say, they were much better at speaking English than our French class was at speaking French >.> The teacher loved having me in the class. I think she wanted to bring me to every single one of her classes just so that she could have a native English speaker in the room! lol! She spoke English pretty fluently. She had a slight northern England accent.

Next was the "Religion" class, which I chose not to take, so I sat with a bunch of other people who were really nice(and also weren't taking Religione)! They told me "You signed up for the Italian cooking class right now, right?" lol! Maybe they'll teach me to cook sometime! :3

Finally, "Storia" or History. (I was really hoping it was storytelling, or something like that!) I understood maybe 2 words out of every sentence he said. It took me a really long time to even figure out that he was talking about France lol... The teacher, he was actually a teacher who knew Gabriele, so when the day was over, Gabriele talked with the teacher and explained everything :) Hopefully now the teacher won't flunk me for not knowing what a question is  asking xD

Later I went to a tutor to do Italian lessons from 5:30 to 7. She was really nice! I was in a group with the other two students in Ferrara. I find it very hard still to understand Italian sadly... Ah well, I will learn. I meet up with the tutor Lunedì, Mercoledì, e Venerdì (Monday, Wednesday, and Friday) from 5:30-7 for a couple months.

Anyways, I'll talk more later! I might not have anything else to say over the next couple of days. I'll just be going to school and stuff. If I do anything interesting I'll post it I guess :)

p.s. I do know more Italian words than I have been using, I just sprinkle in a couple of basic words just to remind people that I'm learning Italian :D


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