Monday, September 8, 2014

Buona mattina!

So, I know its like 2 am there, but I haven't posted in a while, and I might not get the chance later today. I'm going to go to the "Police Station" and apply for a permit of stay (Permisso di sioggiorno. ...That is spelled really badly...) which basically I need to be able to live here! Later today there is going to be some kind of meeting or party or get together with a bunch of AFS people. I'll probably meet my liaison there, who is apparently a really funny guy! The liaison is the person I go to if I have a problem that can't be solved by talking with my host family. Liaison's can be any age (well... not younger than 19 usually, and probably no one older than 100.)  My liaison is pretty young (I think he's in his early 20's) he recently did an exchange program with AFS to the US. I forget where though... well, thats what I'm doing today.

Yesterday I didn't do much, I slept in late, woke up, had bread breakfast(colazione). Then I relaxed, and practiced piano. I had lunch(pranzo) with Anna, Gabriele, e their cousin, (Anna is my sister and Gabriele is my brother) I forget the cousin's name, he had only just met Gabriele and Anna on Sunday. My host family has been very nice to me so far, since they all speak English, for now they have been talking to me in English and Italian. Gabriele threw me a question in Italian, which I knew the answer to. The question was: "Hai dormito bene?" (Did you sleep well?) To which I knew the correct response was Sì or Sì, bene, or Io ho dormito bene. Of course that's not what I said XD I said "Mi piace il letto" (I like the bed!) lol!!!

Yesterday I also went to get a phone number. The plans are interesting here! You have to buy your phone, but then the plans are really really cheap! The plan I got was 10€ per month. I get 200 minutes, and 100 texts, and 1Gb of data. Also, if I need more data, I think its 3€ for an extra Gb, and 5€ for two extra Gb, so if I need more we can increase the price. I probably won't need more though, I have WiFi in the house and at school. Also apparently everyone uses WhatsApp. So I probably won't ever go over my limits on usage. Data I don't think I'll go over, but it depends on the phone. My dad shipped a simple cheap phone over here, but we set up an old phone just so that I'd have a phone for the first days of school. The expected delivery date was September 19-30th, and of course then it shipped yesterday and is expected to arrive today now lol! I'm not going to bother putting my cell phone number, you can't call it, and I don't want to get calls from random strangers.


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